Thursday, June 25, 2009

i don't think about you....much

my thought are preoccupied
by melodies and plot lines
and the sound of my own laughter

instigated by life in the big city
and a new set of eyes
looking amused
and confused
by who i am

not sure how this works 
how to check my vibe

inspired all the while
by laughter and a good beer

to think of you less.....and less
she just wants some hand holding
hip swinging days
a west coast girl
may not want a happy ending

a nap on your chest
is enough for a summer day
cool breezes off the river
temper dreamy thoughts

she loves you so easy
her love complicates
the easy friendship
of double jointed ligaments
and mixed drinks on back decks

Monday, June 15, 2009

I would never have to wear shoes again...

Something I think I want to do with my life (or at least something similar):

Not For Sale is an organization I have been researching but more importantly have began loving and really think I want to be a part of. This picture is one of a lovely woman name Lucy and she runs a house on the coast of Peru where street kids can live and get education, health care, stability, a family, value, arts, and surfing.  She gives these kids a chance and a future. (you can read her whole story on the website) I've realized that I want to do this. If not exactly this then something very much like it. I want to love and I want to give children a chance who wouldn't have one before. I know I won't be doing this alone, but who will be doing it with me is still up in the air. This plan is about 2 years away there's time to plan but not plan too much because planning never works really. I'm excited. The possibilities are there and I want them to be real.
Surfing Tribe
Some first steps: learn how to surf better, contact lucy and the not for sale people, figure out if not in Peru then where, get other people excited for this as well.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

failing passionately

love is neatly drawn
with fine pencil lines
that drip with reality as they mix and cross
over yours and mine
passionate disaster...
the list continues
at an alarming rate
as this love contains it all
and not of it
detailing out the end
before there is ever a beginning
setting up for destruction
because it is more passionate to fail
than to succeed

Monday, June 1, 2009

May is Gone

Yesterday, I cried a lot.
Yesterday, I slept a lot.

All of it was good though because this past week was amazing. I get to spend time with friends in really sweet ways. I made new friends as well. I need to spend more time with these people. Once maybe twice a year is not enough. I'm going to try and go up to camp for at least one week.  Caitlin and I are planning road trips (that will happen).  Things are in motion and life is sweet and full of love. Even if a lot of it has gone back to california there is lots to love in oregon.